
Luca Corvetto was born in Cagliari in 1972. Among his childhood passions, music had a particular place in his life; since the age of 9, he began to take music & classic piano lessons. After several seasons studying some authors, among whom Chopin was his favourite, he also decided to dedicate to the study of guitar, which is an instrument of bigger communication and impact for a teenager. In this role, in various bands, he made his debut in public.
It was but in 1998 that, following a solid instrumental maturity, he began to write music, being inspired by autobiographic topics relating to his own experiences. He wanted to give his own voice to those songs, undertaking also the study of modern singing technique. This work took shape in the Album " venissi con me" (...if you came with me”); it was recorded in studio and in a private recording place; the entire vocal and orchestrate parts have been performed by Luca, except for the drums parts.
At the moment he is engaged over various musical activities in Sardinia, like live concerts and the interpretation of the mythical Elvis Presley, King of R'n'roll...
but keeping an eye opened to grab, if luckily it will ever pass, the Big Chance.